JULY 7,8 2012
ARTWALK in Village of
Big Bear Lake Ca.

2012 "Plein-Air" Artist Summer Workshops
SESSION 1- June 22,23,24
SESSION 2- July 13,14,15
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The workshops are designed for low intermediate to advanced students wanting to move to the next level. Following an initial lecture and demonstration , we will be working in oils outside each day at differant locations; including lakeshore, mountain meadows, and forest.
Jillana, through a clear and concise presentation will cover the basics of Plein-Air painting, providing each participant with a method of composing, developing,and completing a painting in a short period of time. She will emphasize the full use of these tools: drawing, composition, value , color, edges, masses . Class size is limited to 12, thus ensuring a high degree of individual attention.
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Cost - $285
Contact Jillana for brochure and registration information
jillanam@aol.com (909) 744 - 7904